Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells
Vacuum Coating Equipment & Process Development

Do you want to push the tech­ni­cal lim­its of a so­lar cell? Would you like to set up a pi­lot pro­duc­tion for per­ov­skite tan­dem so­lar cells? Real­ize the next gen­er­a­tion of so­lar cells with scal­able vac­u­um coat­ing equip­ment.

VON ARDENNE will sup­port your sci­en­tists and pro­cess en­gi­neers in find­ing the pro­cess­es for per­ov­skite ab­sor­ber de­po­si­tion as well as ETL, HTL and re­com­bi­na­tion lay­ers.

Ben­e­fit from our ex­pert­ise in pho­to­vol­ta­ics through hun­dreds of in­stalled sys­tems in more than 20 years. VON ARDENNE pro­vides you with ther­mal e­vap­o­ra­tion and sput­ter­ing pro­cess­es. They will put you in a po­si­tion where you can real­ize your cell pro­duc­tion on a meg­a and gi­ga­watt scale and in a re­li­a­ble and re­peat­a­ble way.

Al­ter­na­tive­ly, we can com­bine PVD tech­nol­o­gy with oth­er pro­cess­es such as Va­por Trans­port De­po­si­tion (VTD), spin coat­ing or slot die coat­ing.

Would you like to learn more? Then click on the content below or contact us directly.

Experienced partner for scalable process development

from single wafer processes to megawatt to gigawatt

... with highest possible cell efficiency

of over 30 percent

... at competitive costs

per watt peak

Scaling Up Perovskite PV with Linear Thermal Evaporation for High-Volume Manufacturing

VON ARDENNE has a long history in evaporation processes. We have provided thermal and electron beam evaporation equipment for many applications. Among…

VON ARDENNE Exhibits at RE+ & Launches New Equipment on US Market

Large Coating Systems for the production of TopCon, IBS, HJT and Perovskite Tandem solar cells on gigawatt scale will be launched on the US market.

Customer Portal "myVA" Now Available

It's here: the myVA Customer Portal. VON ARDENNE has developed it with the aim of simplifying interactions, providing valuable insights and increasing…

Accelerating PV production with VON ARDENNE: Market leader for PVD coating technology scales portfolio for next-level gigawatt production of high-efficiency solar cells

VON ARDENNE will present the next expansion stage of its highly productive PVD1 coating systems for the manufacturing of high-efficiency cells at the…

Perovskite PV: Status, Importance and Manufacturing Technologies

Some say that solar energy is the new oil. And perovskite solar cells appear to be the latest technology trend in the industry offering a huge…

PVD is the key: VON ARDENNE Presents Coating Solutions for Heterojunction, TopCon and Tandem Cells at WCPEC-8 in Milan

From 26 to 30 September, VON ARDENNE will present its latest results in the development of PVD coatings for high-efficiency solar cells at their booth…

Major contribution for the solar Terawatt age - VON ARDENNE presents highly productive coating equipment for high-efficiency solar cells at the Intersolar Europe 2022

The Intersolar Europe 2022 in Munich is one of the leading events of the solar industry. At the exhibition, VON ARDENNE will introduce its latest…

10.06.2025 - 12.06.2025
GPD Finnland 2025

Tampere, Finland


22.09.2025 - 26.09.2025
EUPVSEC Bilbao 2025

Bilbao, Spain

Bilbao Exhibition Center

F12 / Level 3

30.10.2025 - 01.11.2025
REI India 2025

Greater Noida, India

India Expo Center

German Pavillon

Martin Fischer

Technical Sales ManagerVON ARDENNE GmbH
