We drive innovation

VON ARDENNE is committed to the technologies of the future with a large number of partners from science, research and industry. In this way, it is possible to transfer promising results of basic research from the laboratory to an industrial scale.

As one of the world's leading suppliers of vacuum coating solutions, VON ARDENNE is contributing its expertise to these projects, which are funded by the Free State of Saxony, the German federal government and the European Union.

We are currently active in the following projects:

Jumbo through reflector

Development of a robust large-format parabolic trough reflector

The aim of the project is to develop a new manufacturing process for large-format laminated glass mirrors and to demonstrate its feasibility by producing prototype parabolic trough mirrors. The novel mirror concept involves the mirror being constructed from a carrier glass that is precisely bent using an innovative bending process. A reflective thin PVD-coated flat glass is cold-bent and laminated onto this curved carrier glass. The parabolic trough mirror to be developed will thus have a higher reflectance compared to commercial parabolic trough mirrors.

Funding source: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Funding code: 03EE5037E
Term: 01.12.2019 - 31.05.2023


Sputtering of passivating contacts based on TOPCon technology with industrial system technology Subproject: In-situ sputtering processes of highly doped poly-Si coatings

After the industrialization of the PERC cell, the technological roadmaps of many photovoltaic companies include the integration of full-area passivating selective back contacts as a future development step, as well as the development of silicon-based tandem solar cells in the longer term. Charge carrier selective contact systems are a key technology for both concepts. The project focuses on the in-situ deposition of n-doped Si films by cathode sputtering, which have been shown to achieve cell efficiencies of ≥ 23.5% in solar cells with TOPCon structures, but diffused emitters. The project involves the development of an industrially feasible process sequence for building up the TOPCon layer stack, based on a crystalline Si substrate consisting of a preferably wet-chemical interfacial oxide and a doped polycrystalline silicon thin film and optionally a silicon nitride, based on the high-throughput system technology available through PVD.

Funding source: Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Funding code: 03EE1068A
Term: 01.10.2020 - 30.06.2023


Increasing the safety of lithium-ion batteries through metal-polymer composite current collectors

The goal of PolySafe is to increase the safety of lithium-ion batteries by using novel current collectors. The focus is on metal-polymer composite current collectors that prevent thermal runaway of battery cells and thus reduce the risk of fire. The feasibility of manufacturing the metal-polymer current collectors has already been demonstrated jointly by VON ARDENNE GmbH and Fraunhofer FEP as part of the Saxon research project PolyCollect. However, too few data from prototype cells with this material exist so far, which is why the application-oriented evaluation of this technology is still pending. In addition to integrating the manufactured metal-polymer current collectors into battery cells, the project partners want to adapt and optimize aluminum or copper-polymer current collectors in a dedicated manner to meet the requirements of the respective cell design.

Funding source: Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Funding code: 03XP0408A
Term: 01.08.2021 – 31.07.2024


Application of hybrid materials for spectral range extension in optical applications 
Subtopic: Systems engineering for high-precision magnetron deposition processes

The goal of the overall project is to realize new classes of materials based on hybrid materials whose fundamental optical properties are improved compared to previous materials. The use of these novel material classes places very high demands on deposition technology, since structure thicknesses in the sub-nanometer range are required that are about 1-2 orders of magnitude lower than the values commonly used to date. At the same time, the economic requirements of the manufacturing process must be taken into account. For VON ARDENNE GmbH, the objective of the subproject is to develop technical solutions and to enable and demonstrate the manufacturability of such novel hybrid materials for different material combinations by technically adapting an existing production line with magnetron sputter technology and implementing a suitable process control and management.

Funding source: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Funding code: 03XP0377E
Term: 01.05.2021 - 31.10.2023


Demonstration of perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells suitable for mass production using PVD deposition - expansion of KOALA facility 
Subtopic: Process technology for the deposition of TCO window coatings for Si perovskite tandem cells

 The goal of the project is to develop improved, scalable processes for vacuum deposition of perovskite solar cells. In parallel, the necessary separation technologies and system-related technical solutions are being developed. Building on this, the entire top-cell process will be verified at HZB on a PVD cluster system jointly designed by Creaphys and VON ARDENNE. One focus of the work is on the deposition of TCO window coatings on perovskite absorbers using the industrially proven and highly productive sputtering technology. Since the sputtering process can lead to material degradation of the underlying perovskite absorber, a particular focus of the project is to identify the influence of the degradation processes and to develop technical-technological solutions to mitigate or avoid them.

Funding source: Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Funding code: 03EE1109B
Term: 01.05.2021 - 30.04.2024


Perovskite on Q.antum tandem cells

 The goal of the PeroQ project is to develop and transfer a technology for perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells based on Qcells' bottom cell technology. The evaporation and sputtering processes used in the top cell are to be developed further together with the project partners. Sputtered nickel oxide (NiO) is being developed as a promising hole contact (HTL) for perovskite-based solar cells. A commercially viable ceramic NiO tube target will be qualified in collaboration with GfE as the target manufacturer. An important development focus is the optical and electrical contact between the two subcells, which is to be improved by incorporating an intermediate layer, among other things. The demonstration of 27% cell efficiency is targeted as part of the process qualification of the developed 6-inch wafer-based technology.

Funding source: Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Funding code: 03EE1118D
Term: 01.06.2021 - 31.05.2023


Scalable high-rate processes for vacuum deposition of perovskite tandem solar cells

The SHAPE project pursues the technological goal of developing high-rate processes as well as equipment components and starting materials for the scalable vapor-phase deposition of perovskite solar cells with a view to future gigawatt-scale production facilities. The focus of the sub-project is on the vapor phase deposition processes pursued by VON ARDENNE GmbH as the equipment manufacturer. In cooperation with the project partners, various solution concepts for evaporation sources and process control are being developed and investigated with a view to scalable technology on a GW scale, and their economic feasibility is being evaluated. As a result of the theoretical work, a concept for the implementation of the technical solutions on a pilot scale will be developed, which will enable a sustainable assessment of the implementation risks.

Funding source: Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Funding code: 03EE1123B
Term: 01.05.2022 - 30.04.2025


Pilot line for European production of PEROvskite silicon tandem modules on an industrial scale

PEPPERONI is a four-year research and innovation project co-funded by the European Union under Horizon Europe and supported by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, which started on November 1, 2022. PEPPERONI will further develop perovskite/silicon tandem photovoltaic (PV) technology to prepare for market introduction and mass production. The PEPPERONI consortium includes 17 partners from 12 European countries. It combines knowledge and experience from basic research to the testing and development of solar cells on a small scale to the industrial production of large solar modules in a high-throughput process. Under PEPPERONI, a pilot line for the development of industrial-grade tandem cells and modules will be established at Qcells' European headquarters in Thalheim, Germany, comprising innovative equipment, processes and materials for the production of high-efficiency tandem cells and modules. The focus of the subproject is the scaling of the PVD coating processes for the tandem cell on a pilot scale. PEPPERONI's approach promises a fast and competitive way to mass produce PV modules with high performance and a long lifetime.

Funding source: EU Horizon Europe, Pepperoni
Funding code: 101084251
Term: 01.11.2022 - 31.10.2026

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09.09.2024 - 12.09.2024
RE+ Anaheim 2024

Booth: Marriott Hotel / 1317
Anaheim, CA, USA

22.09.2024 - 27.09.2024
European Microwave Week Paris 2024

Booth: 940B
Paris Convention Centre, 1 place de la Porte de Versailles 75015 Paris

23.09.2024 - 27.09.2024
EUPVSEC Wien 2024

Booth: A12
Austria Center Vienna – ACV, the largest Congress Centre in Austria

03.10.2024 - 05.10.2024
REI India 2024

India Expo Center Greater Noida

08.10.2024 - 09.10.2024
PVCELLTECH San Francisco 2024

San Francisco Bay Area

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Am Hahnweg 8
01328 Dresden
